Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sushi Chat

きょうは さんじに Geddesほーるで すしちゃとが あります。きれいな たべもの です。たくさん すしを たべました。とても おいしい でした。わたしの ほんめいは かにかま でよ。そして うるちまいと、コーンと、サーモンと、きゅうりは のりの うえに あります。ごちそさま!!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Iwado Toshiyuki Comes to ND!

Consul General of Japan, Mr.Iwado has a wide range of duties in order to promote the welfare of Japanese-American relations. Mr. Iwado is stationed as the consul in Chicago and oversees the district of more or less the American Midwest. He acts as a bridge between the cultures, economies, and ways of life. He opened his lecture in a simple manner. Iwado referenced popular culture and nature, contrasting the differences unique to Japan but also describing how similiar the nations are. He explained how earthquake relief efforts were structured. Iwado explained how Japan donates over a billion and a half USD to support the US military. He described the workforce and economy in Japan, in relation to the aged populace. Iwado elaborated how tourism was increasing by leaps and bounds, and will be further invigorated by the Olympics and other international sporting events. He mentioned Midwestern sister cities with Japanese equivalents. I'm thankful I heard his astute observations and knowledge of policy that introduced me who Japan really is as a nation.

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Wonderful World of Japan


たかしさん:にほんに なにが ありますか。

わたし:そうですね。えどウォンデランドが あります。そして、ポケモンセンターも ありますよ。
たかしさん:そですか。えどウォンデランドは どんな まち ですか。

わたし:とても ふるい まち です。ちさく ありません。 

たかしさん:あのおお、だれが いますか。

わたし:にんじゃと、しんせんぐみと、おいらんが います。

たかしさん:いいですなえ。ポケモンセンターで なにを しますか。

わたし:えいがを みます。そして たべます。でも、しゅくだいを しません。



The American and Japanese sites for Starbucks had many differences. The layout of the Japanese site is more detailed and looks more like a blog at first glance. The Japanese Starbucks has many regional items, such as various nectarine flavored drinks. These findings show how the same company can shift to fit diffferent cultural demographics.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Columbus, Ohio!!!

Image result for ohio state

オハイオしゅの コロンブす からきました。コロンブすは おおき まちです。オハイオしゅ だいがくに あります。ふせせんせいは オハイオしゅ だいがくに いきましたか。コロンブスは りっパナ まちですよ。わるく ありません。Image result for columbus ohio

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting

Ever since I can remember, I've been in love with fighting videogames. King of Fighters, Super Smash Brothers, Samurai Showdown, Mortal Kombat, Powerstone, BlazBlue, Guilty Gear, Tekken, Soulcalibur, and DBZ games are some of my favorites, just to name a few. But above all of these, is my absolute favorite series, Street Fighter. I've wasted countless hours on refining parry mechanics, timing throws, poking hitboxes, and memorizing button sequences on both gamepads and joysticks alike. Now the truth is I'm slightly better than average at these games, as I lack the skill and consistent time commitment needed to refine my game. But I still have a great appreciation for the style, creativity, and fun that goes into the bulk of the fighting game experience: aka the individuality in each character's design. So I'll be finding my favorite characters, listing their names and powers in katakana, and translating some of the info with fun English comments. Here goes!


A fun fact: Balrog's name is Vega in English because executives in Capcom's American community saw how the M. Bison name ( Like Mike Tyson) in SF2 for the black boxer character could be construed as offensive so they decided to swap around all the villains nicknames.

Matador Routine:
Swift High Damage Slashing Attack

Image result for hwoarang
A テコンド fighter known for his incredibly speedy kicks and unshakable resolve. 


Image result for makoto nanaya

Half human and half リス, Makoto is a resilient fighter who cannot be stopped at close range.

These characters and others remain a large part of why I love videogames and reminds me of some of the powerful artistry that led to my interest in Japanese culture.