Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Ready for me, Nippon?

As a child interested in video games, anime, hip hop music, and the confusing but captivating game shows of Japan, I've always been interested in Japanese. Wanting to buy a game but not doing so because of no English translation. No intense RPG drama for me. Wishing to understand more phrases than "Kamehameha!" and "Rasegan!" when the characters flash and blur across a screen in a clutch fight sequence. Hearing a nice Japanese rap song in NBA 2K16 but only being able to hum the beat. Watching Ninja Warrior and laughing hysterically at the mishap and yelling but not really having any idea what an announcer is saying if the subtitles aren't running. These are all familiar situations to me.


(Note: These cats may have a better understanding of Japanese language than me, currently. THAT'S GOING TO CHANGE HOWEVER!!!!!!!!).

BUT I SAY NO MORE. I refuse to wallow in my own ignorance. I refuse to stay an average human being and not the excessive anime nerd I am deep inside. I refuse to not understand Japanese culture when it's influenced me so.  There is only one path for me: the path of mastering Japanese. And so I raise my pencil as a novice samurai would raise a blunt sword, brimming with equal parts determination and hope. None shall stand in my way.

(My future face when someone on the web questions my knowledge of Japan.)

So prepare yourself Tokyo and friends.
I know you've had an emperor for quite some time now.
I just hope he's not the jealous type.
Because  you just got  yourself a new fresh prince!

(Note: I don't actually have two heads.)