Sunday, February 28, 2016

Daily Routine

 あさ わたしは おきます。NDHで あさごはんを たべます。 コーヒーを のみません。まいぬいち じぎよが あります。ひるごはを たべません。 よんじうぷんに はんを よみます。どしょかんで べんきょします。しゅくだいを します。NDHで ばんこはんを たべます。てれびを みます。シャワーを あびます。ばん ねます。

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Better Ingredients. Better Pizza. Katakana.

This is Pizza Hut's American website.

This is Pizza Hut's Japanese website.

Before talking about Katakana I'll describe some differences between the too that I hypothesize may be culturally based. The use of color on the Japanese site and the use of more extravagent fonts creates a more vibrant and friendly atmosphere as opposed to the austere professionalism of the American site. Another interesting fact about the Japanese site is that the revolving section of the main page actually shows faces of people, whereas the American site is strictly based off product.

But now with that analysis out of the way:

  1. The first difference I noted was the use of pasta replaced by セット which means Set as in a combo pizza deal. I would hypothesize that this due to Japan having a much higher standard for their noodles so fewer orders involve pasta as opposed to in America. 
  2. I saw the deal button being replaced by トピックス which means Topic. This button leads to a sort of blog entry of the major news items from Pizza Hut, which is absent in English.
  3. Another difference is that instead of start your order, the English translation of   注文に進む is closer to advance in your order. Which sounds clunky in English.
These are among the differences I found between English and Japanese websites that illustrate differences in the way things are worded and design choices are made.

Monday, February 8, 2016


1. はじめ まして.
Smith-です. わたしわ あめりかじん です. いちねんせい ですの せんこお しんけかがく. にっぽんじん そじありません. にっぽんじん そじありません.

2. One Japanese creation I really love is Pokemon. As a child, I spent hours upon hours of my time playing the game and collecting as many as I could. My favorite Pokemon is Mega Scizor and my favorite game was Platinum. The strategy, colorful locations, and sense of adventure all made a very worthwhile use of my time and provided me with a blast of a childhood.

megascizor-png.39034 (900×800)